December 26, 2024: The Telangana Gig and Platform Workers’ Union (TGPWU) expresses deep concern over the recent incident in Indore, where a Zomato delivery worker was harassed and forced to remove his Santa Claus costume by an individual who questioned its cultural and religious significance.
Gig and Platform workers like delivery personnel already face numerous challenges, including precarious working conditions, long hours, and inadequate wages. Subjecting them to unnecessary and divisive scrutiny further exacerbates their struggles.
The delivery worker in question reported that wearing the Santa Claus costume was a directive from the company, intended to spread festive cheer and align with marketing campaigns. It is unacceptable for individuals to impose personal or religious biases on workers who are simply carrying out their professional duties.
TGPWU demands the following:
1. Cultural Sensitivity: Companies must ensure that their promotional initiatives do not inadvertently place workers in situations where they face cultural or religious backlash.
2. Dignity of Labor: All workers, irrespective of their attire or role, deserve respect and should not be subjected to public humiliation or harassment.
3. Responsibility of Companies: Employers must provide adequate support to their workers to address such situations, including clear communication, training, and grievance redressal mechanisms.
We urge Zomato’s CEO, Deepinder Goyal, to take note of this incident and prioritize addressing the challenges faced by delivery workers. While festive campaigns can have marketing value, they should not come at the cost of workers’ dignity, safety, or comfort. It is crucial to understand the difficulties faced by delivery workers, and work towards creating a safer, more respectful environment for them.
Shaik Salauddin, Founder-President of the Telangana Gig and Platform Workers’ Union (TGPWU), stated: “I stand in solidarity with the delivery workers and condemn such harassment. Gig and Platform workers deserve respect and support, not humiliation. We call upon companies like Zomato to review their policies and ensure workers are protected from such incidents in the future.”
See more details here.